Pilgrimage Home

The Ramblings of a Man on His Journey From This Life to the Next, being reconciled to God the Father by God the Son through the power of God the Holy Spirit. Kyrie eleison!!!

Location: United States

In this family there are three members. David and Whitney and Renee. This blog is for the enjoyment of our family members and anyone else who would like to share in our adventures!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My oh my how my family travels. We are regular Gypsies. We left Anchorage, it was a sad event and not one planned. I loved my job and home but there was some real uncertainty when it came whether the person I was to replace was even going to leave. One day she wanted to stay the next she couldn't wait to get the heck out of Alaska. In hind sight I believe it may have been a way for her to vent. She was really treat poorly by the company. In the months that I was there training (which never happened due to being so understaffed) corporate and mid level management never once made a showing in the store. No one ever once approached me to ask if I was getting trained like I was supposed to be. I think it was a complete oversight on the part of the brass. They spent a ton of money to relocate us but never made sure I was actually able to do what they wanted me to do. Once I announced that I was leaving the company went into action to try and keep us in the market but it was to little to late.

It is kinda nice to be back in the Sacramento Metro area. It is nice to have dark nights in which to sleep. It is also very nice to be around my friends and family. Sure there is still some of the craziness but at least I won't freeze to death or be killed by a Moose.

Monday, April 16, 2007

32 People were killed in Virginia today. Democrats are now demanding a timetable for withdrawl.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Christ Is Risen!

Yes it is that time of year when we say such things. Traditionally it is the greeting used by Christians the forty days after the Christian Passover or Easter. The reply being along the lines of "He is risen indeed!" or "Indeed He is risen!" This Easter I spent at a wonderful conservative little Anglican parish in Anchorage. I must admit I missed the festive atmosphere that accompanied Resurrection Matins and the first Divine liturgy (which is the celebration of the Resurrection every time it occurs) of Easter. I have always heard little jokes about Episcopalians being a bit stiff. Last year we attended an Orthodox Presbyterian church (for my wife) and boy you have never seen stiff until you have seen the OPC. It was like a funeral but less upbeat.

I have bounced about theologically over the years but having discovered the Eastern Church my theological heart is Orthodox while preference of liturgies has not taken root because so long as the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is in English it is Western to me and no less majestic, heavenly, or valid are Western Liturgies. Sure I am silent when filoque is said but you can change the world overnight and I can overlook the well intentioned filoque over ignoring and distancing oneself from fellow Christians over ethnic traditions and nationalistic pride.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

We are home from Anchorage. It was an interesting trip. I made the mistake of forgoing a flu shot this year. Big, big mistake! I was sicker than a dog last week, high fever, body aches, bad chest congestion, feeling faint, etc., etc.

Alaska is beautiful, I feel somewhat guilty that I didn't gush over it but I have lived in some truly beautiful places, I think the only suprise would have been if Alaska was ugly. We saw plenty of Moose (4), several Bald Eagles and a ton of Ravens. It is a bit more expensive to live there, mostly housing is what cost alot. The people overall seemed real friendly. We should be living there in less than 20 days.


Friday, January 26, 2007

My grandfather (Renee's great grandfather) passed away today at the age of 85. I wish I knew him better. Hearing the news of his passing was not a suprise he has battled several cancers over the last few years on top of heart problems. He, like many of his generation, was a tough old bird. I am glad Renee has memories of him to bring into the future. I pray that the Lord will have a place for Charles Mason Lemont in his kingdom and above all have mercy on his soul.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I am awaiting an offer letter from my company regarding taking a position in Alaska. In the interm I thank God for the good fortune of coming on board with my company as a permanent employee. Medical benefits are nice. The antiquated idea of tying medical benefits to full time employment has to change. It looks pretty certain that we will be on the road again. I have always dreamt of visiting Alaska, seeing Grizzlies, fishing in the wildest of wilds. Now it seems I will be living amongst the wilds.


We saw the new movie "The Nativity" the other night. It was okay, nothing special. I think there is a difficulty in making a movie like this because the entire story needs to be told in order for there to be that essence which makes it something other than a story.

The birth of any baby is remarkable, however the birth of Jesus, God incarnate was really a pinnacle in the history of Man. Jesus was not just a prophet, a rabbi, a wise man with some (as you pick and choose them) good moral principles. Jesus was the fullfilment of the Law and Prophets. He his the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh Christ where will you have me? I humbly seek direction from you, I beg your mercy and forgiveness for all my failings. Bless Lord my family, keep your little handmaiden Renee eager to meet you in worship.

Help us Lord to meet Christians who might offer friendship and guidance.

I give praise in the Name of Jesus, in unity with God the Father and God the Holy Spirt- Amin

Happy Advent Season! The start of advent in our household started with a sputter. I had hoped to join in with the advent festivities but alas I slept and slept.

I am really excited about the Feast Day of the Nativity of Christ, you see this year we have very little. I hope that will pull my family towards the riches and rewards that come from faith in Christ

I miss my family, and by that I mean I miss my dads, Jack Lemont, Ed Wing (of blessed memory) and Dennis Harris. I also miss new Dad and benchmark for capitalism Jacob Harris. I long for those few Chrsitmases ago where grandpa, great grandma, and all the family gathered in Feast. I look forward to such agape feast with my beloved family another day.

I wish all my friends a happy advent season!